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Figure 1 | BMC Genomics

Figure 1

From: Monitoring of transcriptional regulation in Pichia pastoris under protein production conditions

Figure 1

Comparison of the UPR response in P. pastoris and S. cerevisiae. Abbreviations for P. pastoris strains are explained in Table 3, all data are derived from comparison to the wild type. Data from S. cerevisiae were taken from [21], where UPR was induced with DTT or tunicamycin. ScD60 (treatment with DTT after 60 min); ScD120 (treatment with DTT after 120 min); ScT60 (treatment with tunicamycin after 60 min), all compared to a non-treated culture. Cluster analysis was made using EPClust [47], Euklidian distance with complete linkage. Subclusters are shown for the following: A: genes induced in both yeasts; B: upregulated in P. pastoris, down-regulated in S. cerevisiae; C: down-regulated to unchanged in P. pastoris, upregulated in S. cerevisiae; D: reduced in both yeasts. Subclusters of genes that are unchanged in both organisms are not displayed. The brightest colouring corresponds to the log2 regulation ≥ ± 2.

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