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Figure 1 | BMC Genomics

Figure 1

From: How Athila retrotransposons survive in the Arabidopsis genome

Figure 1

Neighbor-joining phylogenetic tree based on the gag sequences of Arabidopsis thaliana Athila elements. The names refer to the accession numbers from which the elements were obtained. Some times, letters have been added at the end to name different elements present in the same sequence. Numbers in the branches refer to bootstrap support (in percentages) for two different methods, neighbor-joining (NJ, top) and maximum parsimony (MP, bottom). The results of both methods were, in this case and the ones in the next two figures, almost identical, so they can be shown in a single tree. Arrows points to the ten elements without frameshifts or stop codons in their ORFs (discussed in the text).

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