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Figure 3 | BMC Genomics

Figure 3

From: Buffering by gene duplicates: an analysis of molecular correlates and evolutionary conservation

Figure 3

Survival upon single gene-KO/KD is correlated with the number of duplicates present and their distance to the gene only in some organisms. For E. coli, yeast and worm, we deconvolute the set of duplicates into different effective family sizes (A), or according to the distance with respect to sequence between the deleted gene and its nearest homolog (B). In E. coli and worm, chances of survival increase slightly with an increasing number of duplicates present per gene (D) or increasing sequence similarity (as measured by the E-value). Yeast has no correlation between the effective family size and survival (A), but chances for survival are higher in two-gene families (D = 1) than in larger families (D ≥ 2). For abbreviations see Figure 1.

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