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Figure 3 | BMC Genomics

Figure 3

From: Effect of thyroid hormone concentration on the transcriptional response underlying induced metamorphosis in the Mexican axolotl (Ambystoma)

Figure 3

Generalized regression patterns. The generalized regression patterns recovered by the methodology described in Liu et al. [52]. The units and values of the axes are arbitrary. The number of probe-sets in each category is listed in parentheses by concentration. Significantly enriched biological process gene ontology terms are listed by concentration and pattern. In some cases specific terms were too abundant and were thus summarized via a broader term. Abbreviations are as follows LD = linear down, QLCD = quadratic linear concave down, QLVD = quadratic linear convex down, LU = linear up, QLCU = quadratic linear concave up, QLVU = quadratic linear convex up, QC = quadratic concave, and QV = quadratic convex. A ninth pattern (Flat) that describes null results is not shown.

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