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Table 3 Mean sensitivity and specificity using the non-parametric approach and t-statistic based approach from the 30 simulations, under two scenarios of different sample sizes. (SD: standard deviation)

From: A non-parametric meta-analysis approach for combining independent microarray datasets: application using two microarray datasets pertaining to chronic allograft nephropathy

Meta-analysis approach

Scenario I:

n1, d= 4, n1, norm= 6

n2, d= 6, n2, norm= 15

Scenario II:

n1, d= 8, n1, norm= 10

n2, d= 10, n2, norm= 15


Sensitivity (%) (SD)

Specificity (%) (SD)

Sensitivity (%) (SD)

Specificity (%) (SD)

KNN based non-parametric

78.15 (2.90)

99.83 (0.10)

84.83 (2.68)

99.96 (0.06)

t-statistic based parametric

75.77 (3.19)

96.02 (0.78)

77.00 (3.01)

96.00 (0.55)