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Table 2 In silico validation of the Xenopus NRSE screen with in situ hybridization and REST CHIP-seq. Putative REST target genes were categorized into neuronal/heart or non-neuronal/non-heart expression based on in situ hybridization data collected from Xenbase

From: Identification of REST targets in the Xenopus tropicalis genome

in situ hybridization



Neuronal/Heart Expression 141 genes

Non-neuronal/non-heart Expression

57 genes

Bsx, arl6ip1, cox5a, ag1, cacna1h, adarb1, ahctf1, asb8, churc1, cpsf2, cpeb1, dact1, adprh, bmp7.1, bsn, cldn5, asap1, arid4a, cdca8, cdk1, calu, colec11, arl8a, bri3, admp, cdh12, arx, celf2, cdc45, cacna1a, col18a1, CACNA1C, calb1, clasp1, copg, crb2, dlx4, dmrta2, dnal4, dvl1, egr1, eif4h, elavl4, elk1, ephb1, erbb4, ern2, esr10, esyt2, ext1, fam54b, fgf12, frzb2, fzd3, gabbr2, gabra3, gabra5, gbx2.1, gbx2.2, gcat, gdf11, gdi1, gfi1, gjb1, glmn, gpr84, hes4, hnf4a, hnrnpa1, hpcal1, id2, igfbp4, insm1, ism1, kaz, klf11, klhdc4, lhx2, lhx3, lhx5, limk1, mef2d, mnt, mnx1, myl7, myo1c, myo1d, nbl1, ncoa5, nefm, neurod1, neurog3, nol10, nr2f2, pcdh10, pcmtd1, pla2g7, plxnb1, pnhd, pou4f1, prph, rab34, rab7a, rasip1, rax, rbm38, rgs20, rhbdd3, ric8a, rps3, scn2a, scn3a, selt, sema3a, siah2, slc32a1, slc3a2, slit1, smad4, smarca4, snai1, sox14, sphk1, spry2, srsf5, srsf6, supt6h, suv420h1, tbx5, tcea1, tmub2, tpm4, tubgcp4, vamp1, vav2, wdr5, wdr73, wdr74, wnt16, wnt3a, wnt9b

Alb, alg3, amy2b, anxa4, arf1, armc4, baiap2l1, bsg, col1a1, CREB3L2, ctsc, cxcr7, dazap1, dcdc2, fgf14, fuz, gamt, gfpt1, gorasp2, grhl1, gstp1, igsf9b, impdh1, iqgap1, iqgap2, itga8, klf5, krt5.7, laptm4a, ldlrap1, mmp9, mst1r, myos, nbn, ndufaf3, nodal, nom1, odc1, pcdh8, ppp1r3c.1, rab18, rab8a, rnd1, sept2, sept9, sfrp5, sgk2, snd1, sox17b.1, sox2, trappc2, tspan7, tspan8, ttll4, upk1b, ventx1.2, ventx2.1, ventx2.2, ypel5, zdhhc1, zdhhc4, zfpm1

Angptl6, ap1s1, ap3b2, brsk2, bsx, cacna1a, cacna1h, cacna2d2, cdh22, cdb4, chd5, chat, cpsf3, cyp27b1, decr1, ebf1, fgf14, glra1, grin1, hes3, icmt, kcnc3, kcnh4, kndc1, lhx3, lhx5, lin37, march11, nefm, neto1, nr2f1, nup133, ogdh, olfm3, pafah1b1, pcgf6, pipox, plbd2, plbd2, pou4f1, ptk2b, pusl1, qsox2, rdh8, ric8b, rnf219, sdsl, slc35f4, slc4a1, slc4a1ap, slc5a11, syt4, taf5, vwc2l, xkr7, zcchc14, rasgrf1

  1. Out of 1,396 genes, 206 had expression data, 141 (68%) of which had expression in neuronal/heart tissues. REST CHIP-Seq targets were retrieved from [41-43]. The bold emphasis indicates the 16 genes among the 111 putative REST target genes common in human, mouse, and frog genomes.