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Fig. 7 | BMC Genomics

Fig. 7

From: Molecular tools for studying the major malaria vector Anopheles funestus: improving the utility of the genome using a comparative poly(A) and Ribo-Zero RNAseq analysis

Fig. 7

Example of an incorrect gene model (AFUN009068) and three manually edited gene models. The top panel shows a coverage depth summary plot (grey plot; log-scaled coverage depth) and aligned reads (red bars are reads from pairs aligned to the plus strand, blue bars from pairs aligned to the minus strand). Below these are the gene models (grey boxes represent exons, black lines un-translated regions: introns and UTRs). The gene model in gene set AfunF1.2 (AFUN009068) is shown above three manually edited gene models based on read alignments and orthologous genes in the Anopheles gambiae (Ag) genome annotation (bottom). The three genes are carboxylesterases (COE)

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