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Table 1 Average FPRs and TPRs under the suggested settings of (w, n c ) for the data without and with noise interference

From: An integrated analysis tool for analyzing hybridization intensities and genotypes using new-generation population-optimized human arrays

Level of noise interference

Suggested settinga

FPR and TPR (Simulation scenario)

Number of SNPs in the target region

(w, n c )

N T  = 11

N T  = 51

N T  = 101

N T  = 501

Without noise interference (q% = 0 %)

(11, 2)

Average FPR (neutral)

1.12 %

1.12 %

1.12 %

1.12 %


Average TPR (loss)

95.55 %

94.08 %

95.39 %

95.43 %


Average TPR (gain)

99.39 %

96.69 %

95.59 %

95.83 %

With noise interference (q% = 25 %)

(51, 3)

Average FPR (neutral)

2.19 %

2.19 %

2.19 %

2.19 %


Average TPR (loss)

42.09 %

85.45 %

94.03 %

93.54 %


Average TPR (gain)

50.67 %

89.37 %

92.81 %

93.55 %

  1. a w Window size, n c Number of consecutive significant SNPs, FFRs False positive rates, TPRs True positive rates, N T Number of SNPs in the target region