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Fig. 5 | BMC Genomics

Fig. 5

From: Ultra-precise detection of mutations by droplet-based amplification of circularized DNA

Fig. 5

a FN site distribution of the Droplet-CirSeq and Cir-seq. The SEQ_Bias sites are FN sites with a depth less than or equal to 30X. The STR_Bias sites are FN sites with a depth greater than 30X but were still not detected as SNPs due to DNA strand amplification bias. The 3 pg input Droplet-CirSeq method had a lower SEQ_Bias, indicating that it improved the amplification of the poorly amplified region. The 300 pg input Droplet-CirSeq method had a lower STR_Bias, indicating that greater input improved STR_Bias. b Mutation type of FP sites. c True positive SNP frequency distribution for Droplet-CirSeq and Cir-seq; the box width indicates the detected SNP number, the outliers were excluded. d Mutation frequency of FP sites. e FPR of different input Droplet-CirSeq libraries after filtering with the mutation frequency pattern. f FNR of different input Droplet-CirSeq libraries after filtering with the mutation frequency pattern

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