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Fig. 5 | BMC Genomics

Fig. 5

From: Proton irradiation induces persistent and tissue-specific DNA methylation changes in the left ventricle and hippocampus

Fig. 5

a Bar graph depicts gene ontology categories significantly enriched in the indicated radiation-regulated differentially methylated regions (FDR-adjusted p < 0.01) identified from left ventricle and hippocampus. Note the gene categories-associated with cardiovascular function (red) and neuronal function (green) are restricted to the indicated tissues. (b and c). Diagrams depict selected genes that regulate vascular development or neurogenesis that were significantly associated with decreased methylation in the indicated tissue. (d and e). UCSC genome browser diagrams depict mC-DIP-Seq signal upstream the Activin receptor 1c gene in ventricle and upstream the Synaptopodin gene in hippocampus that showed significant differences following radiation exposure. The wiggle tracks depict median-scaled tag count density above background at an FDR of 5 %. The highlighted region was statistically significant (FDR-adjusted p < 0.001)

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