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Fig. 3 | BMC Genomics

Fig. 3

From: Insights into the innate immunome of actiniarians using a comparative genomic approach

Fig. 3

Phylogenetic analysis of metazoan NLR genes. Maximum likelihood analysis was performed from an alignment of the conserved NACHT domains (aa) from multiple metazoan species. Only bootstrap values more than 50 were retained for clades of interest. Domains also present in the full NLR sequence are depicted next to each clade. Clades are colour-coded by phylum and labelled with the phylum name, with the genera present in that clade underneath. Anthozoan NLR clades are highlighted on the tree, with the number of sequences for each species in the clade shown in brackets. Clades with no domain symbol have the canonical NLR architecture (one NACHT domain and multiple LRR)

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