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Table 3 Plastid’s command-line scripts automate common analysis tasks

From: Plastid: nucleotide-resolution analysis of next-generation sequencing and genomics data

Analysis of count and alignment data


Count the number of read alignments covering arbitrary regions of interest in the genome, and calculate read densities (in reads per nucleotide and in RPKM) over these regions


Count the number of read alignments and calculate read densities (in RPKM) specifically for genes and sub-regions (5′ UTR, CDS, 3′ UTR), correcting gene and sub-region boundaries for overlapping genes


Fetch vectors of counts at each nucleotide position in one or more regions of interest, saving each vector as its own line-delimited text file


Create wiggle or bedGraph files from alignment files after applying a read mapping rule (e.g. to map ribosome-protected footprints at their P-sites), for visualization in a genome browser


Compute a metagene profile of read alignments, counts, or quantitative data over one or more regions of interest


Estimate sub-codon phasing in ribosome profiling data


Estimate position of ribosomal P-site within ribosome profiling read alignments as a function of read length

Manipulation of genomic features


Empirically annotate multimapping regions of a genome, given alignment criteria


Determine parent-child relationships of features in a GFF3 file


Convert transcripts between BED, BigBed, GTF2, GFF3, and PSL formats


Find all unique splice junctions in one or more transcript annotations, and optionally export these in Tophat’s.juncs format


Compare a set of splice junctions to a reference set, and, if possible with equal sequence support, slide discovered junctions to compatible known junctions