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Fig. 8 | BMC Genomics

Fig. 8

From: Comparative genomics to explore phylogenetic relationship, cryptic sexual potential and host specificity of Rhynchosporium species on grasses

Fig. 8

NRPS phylogenetic tree 1. The amino acid sequences of the A domain from 153 mostly mono-modular fungal and bacterial NRPS were used to construct the phylogenetic tree. Numerals at the nodes represent the percentages from 500 bootstraps. Numeral <50 were omitted. Scale: number of substitutions per nucleotide. Colored backgrounds indicate enzyme groups: Sid, siderophore synthetases; NPS11/NPS12, NPS11/12-like NRPS and ETP toxin synthetases; Cyclo, cyclosporine synthetases; MBC, major bacterial clade; AAR, α-amino-adipate reductases; NPS10, NRPS 10-like NRPS; PKS-NPS, hybrid enzymes. Orange-framed boxes mark members of outgroups

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