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Table 2 Comparison between the gene annotations of gadMor1 and gadMor2

From: An improved genome assembly uncovers prolific tandem repeats in Atlantic cod


Total size

Number of genes

N50 length (bp)b

Amount gap bases



transcriptome (Mbp)a





32.2 (24.8)

22 618 e

1 854 (1 398)


2 947 (79.7%)


52.9 (33.4)

23 246 f

3 239 (1 995)


2 714 (73.4%)

  1. aSum of bases in transcripts with UTRs (without UTRs)
  2. bHalf the transcriptome is in sequences of this length or longer, with UTRs (without UTRs)
  3. cGaps represented as ’N’s in annotated transcripts
  4. dNumber (percentage) of conserved actinopterygii genes detected out of a total of 3,698
  5. eWhen excluding pseudogenes, alternative transcripts, etc., the number of protein-coding genes is 20,095
  6. fProtein-coding genes only