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Fig. 4 | BMC Genomics

Fig. 4

From: Epigenetic and genetic alterations and their influence on gene regulation in chronic lymphocytic leukemia

Fig. 4

Association of dREs with GWAS traits. a The density of GWAS SNPs along the dREs is displayed for the agglomerated traits, including CLL, lymphoma and cancer. The GWAS SNPs not linked to these traits are marked as irrelevant and used as reference. The density of GWAS SNPs along the dREs is measured as the number of SNPs associated with a tested trait per 1,000 SNPs. The ** indicates that binomial test p < 1 × 10− 5. b Heatmap showing the SNP enrichment along dREs for individual GWAS traits. The enrichment is the ratio of the SNP density in the dREs to the expected density. In a cell, the shade of color correlates with the enrichment level, the darker green being higher enrichment. The white cells represent insignificant enrichment, i.e, p > 0.05

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