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Table 2 Affected KEGG pathways at the onset of European sea bass puberty

From: Identification of conserved genes triggering puberty in European sea bass males (Dicentrarchus labrax) by microarray expression profiling

Pathway name

Genes involved

Metabolic pathways

 - Nucleotide metabolism

nme3, pold3, cad, tyms, nt5e , dtymk

 - Retinol metabolism


 - Lipid metabolism

pnpla2 , gpd1, agrp2 , ptges

 - Amino acid metabolism

odc1, pycr2, smox , ass1, cad, shmt1, pah

Cellular processes

 - Cell cycle

bub3, mcm3, pcna, ttk, ccnd2, mad2l1bp, cdc28, aurkb, ndc80, spc25

 - Meiosis

mcm3, cdc28, dmc1, mad2l2, sycp2, syce1, cenph, cenpi, cenpf, ndc80, spc25

 - DNA replication and repair

mcm3, pold3, fen1, pcna, rfc3

 - Focal adhesion

actb , ccnd2, thbs1

Genetic information processing

 - FoxO signalling pathway

tgfbr1 , stat3 , plk4, ccnd2

 - Hippo signalling pathway

amh , tgfbr1 , ccnd2, actb

 - Jak-STAT signalling pathway

stat3 , socs3 , ccnd2

 - TGF beta signalling pathway

amh , tgfbr1 , thbs1

 - MAPK signalling pathway

gpd1, cdc28, tgfbr1

 - TNF signalling pathway


 - Toll-like receptor signalling pathway


 - Wnt signalling pathway

cacybp, ccnd2

 - PI3K-Akt signalling pathway

ccnd2, thbs1

 - cAMP signalling pathway

adcyap1, amh

 - Hedgehog signalling pathway

ccnd2, ihh

 - Rap1 signalling pathway

actb, thbs1

Endocrine system

 - Prolactin signalling pathway

stat3 , socs3 , ccnd2

 - Renin secretion


 - Thyroid hormone signalling pathway


  1. Downregulated genes appear in bold type whereas upregulated genes appear in normal type