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Fig. 1 | BMC Genomics

Fig. 1

From: Patterns of host gene expression associated with harboring a foregut microbial community

Fig. 1

Relative foregut transcript abundances between the two rodent species. a MDS plot of the biological coefficient of variation (BCV) values over dimensions 1 and 2 with samples colored and labeled by sample groups. b Bar plot of the proportion of variance (eigenvalues) explained by the first 5 dimensions. c Normalized log2 read counts are shown for 11,870 detected genes, with transcripts that are statistically significant (FDR < 0.01) colored in dark grey. Specific classes of genes are highlighted, with smooth muscle-specific transcripts in red, epidermal differentiation complex transcripts in dark blue, and other genes involved in keratinocyte differentiation are shown in light blue

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