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Fig. 2 | BMC Genomics

Fig. 2

From: Tissue-specific DNA methylation is conserved across human, mouse, and rat, and driven by primary sequence conservation

Fig. 2

Epigenetically conserved rat tsDMRs and epigenetically non-conserved rat tsDMRs show distinct patterns. a Distribution of the distance between rat tsDMRs that are Epigenetically Conserved (EC) in mouse (top panel) and Epigenetically non-conserved (ENC) in mouse (bottom panel) to the nearest TSS. The horizontal dashed black line denotes no enrichment over the background. The background was a set of genomic distribution-matched rat regions. The y-axis represents the fold enrichment of orthologous rat tsDMRs over the background. A chi-square test was performed to generate the p-values. P-values were corrected for multiple testing using Benjamini–Hochberg FDR method. b Genomic distribution of rat tsDMRs that are EC in mouse (top panel) and ENC in mouse (bottom panel). The background regions were chosen as described in (a). A chi-square test was performed to generate the p-values. P-values were corrected for multiple testing using the Benjamini–Hochberg FDR method. c Average histone modification signal density at 50 bp resolution over a 10-kb window centered on mouse orthologous regions of rat tsDMRs that are EC (left column) and ENC (right column) in mouse blood (top row), mouse brain (middle row), and mouse sperm (bottom row). d ChromHMM regulatory function annotation of human orthologous regions of rat blood tsDMRs (top left panel), rat brain tsDMRs (top right panel), EC and non-conserved rat blood tsDMRs (bottom left panel), and EC and non-conserved rat brain tsDMRs (bottom right panel). In all panels, the annotation of the human orthologous regions for randomly chosen rat regions was included. The background regions were chosen the same way as described in (a) except that human instead of mouse orthologous regions were used

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