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Fig. 1 | BMC Genomics

Fig. 1

From: CGDV: a webtool for circular visualization of genomics and transcriptomics data

Fig. 1

Various circular figures generated by CGDV for genomics and transcriptomics data. a This figure represent amplification (orange dots) and deletion (black dots) from raw output of CNVnator tool. The size of the circles represents relative size of the duplications and deletions at each location. b This figure represents data from a BED file. Each point represents the value per coordinate from a given sample. Black line represents mean value of the data. c This figure represents output of analyzed ChIPSeq data. Heatmap in the inner track represents fold-enrichment value of the peaks. The outer track is a histogram displaying tags with p-value. d This figure represents homologous region in genome from BLAST output in tabular format. e This figure represents gene fusion event result which is the output of STAR-Fusion and/or FusionInspector. The tracks are heatmaps representing Jffpm value (outer track) and Sffpm value (inner track). The links are the position of gene fusion events between chromosomes. f This figure represents data of a Variant Call Format (VCF) file which is output of tools such as GATK ( and SAMTools ( Innermost track represents depth of variations and middle track represents SNPs and INDELs in black and red dots respectively. g This figure represents gene/isoform expression FPKM values from Cuffdiff output. Each gene/isoform FPKM values is plotted against various condition as dots. h This figure represents numerical data from a tab limited matrix

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