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Fig. 3 | BMC Genomics

Fig. 3

From: Characteristics of allelic gene expression in human brain cells from single-cell RNA-seq data analysis

Fig. 3

Allele-biased expression of hetSNPs in human brain cells. a Distribution of reference allele ratios for imprinted and non-imprinted genes. b Distributions of hetSNP frequencies (top) and binomial test p-values (bottom) for all hetSNPs broken down by the ratios of reference alleles (x-axis). Data are for all cells and for all hetSNPs in the six adult brains. c The distribution of biased hetSNPs in all brain cells grouped by individuals and cell types. d Distribution of hetSNPs broken down by reference allele ratios in single neurons of adult37. e Distribution of hetSNPs called from pooled scRNA-seq reads from neurons of adult37

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