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Fig. 9 | BMC Genomics

Fig. 9

From: Differential gene expression in the evolution of sex pheromone communication in New Zealand’s endemic leafroller moths of the genera Ctenopseustis and Planotortrix

Fig. 9

Maximum likelihood tree showing the evolutionary relationships among carboxylesterases (CXEs). The tree includes the curated genes from the New Zealand leafroller moths Ctenopseustis herana (Cher, highlighted in blue), C. obliquana (Cobl, highlighted in light purple), Planotortrix excessana (Pexc, highlighted in light green) and P. octo (Poct, highlighted in dark green) and the horticultural pest Epiphyas postvittana (Epos, highlighted in orange). Circle at the nodes indicate the Shimodaira-Hasegawa local support, with colour and size of circle being proportional to the percentage of support (0–100%). Groups shades in orange were pheromone gland biased. Groups in blue indicate positive selection. Bmor = Bombyx mori, Dmel = Drosophila melanogaster, Dple = Danaus plexippus, Sinf = Sesamia inferens, and Slit = Spodoptera littoralis

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