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Fig. 1 | BMC Genomics

Fig. 1

From: Comparison of the Chinese bamboo partridge and red Junglefowl genome sequences highlights the importance of demography in genome evolution

Fig. 1

Circular plot of the Gallus gallus genome sequence assembled at the chromosome level compared with our Bambusicola thoracicus genome. Analyses were across non-overlapping 100 kb sliding windows. The outermost line plot represents breadth of coverage of Bambusicola with respect to Gallus. Bases aligned by NUCmer were considered sequenced while all gaps were considered missing data. Only values between 50% and 100% are shown. All areas where the breadth of coverage drops below 50% are drawn in red. The middle line plot shows pairwise nucleotide divergence. Missing data and gaps were excluded from this estimate. Only values between 0.02 and 0.08 are shown. Values below 0.02 are shown in red while values above 0.08 are shown in blue. The innermost ring is variation in GC content. The purple line is Gallus GC content and the green line is Bambusicola GC content. Only values between 20% and 60% are shown. Chromosomes 8 through 28 are magnified in Additional File 1 (Figure S3)

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