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Fig. 1 | BMC Genomics

Fig. 1

From: Dissection of complicate genetic architecture and breeding perspective of cottonseed traits by genome-wide association study

Fig. 1

Network plot of highly significant QTSs associated with seven cottonseed traits. Red dot (square) indicates the QTS expresses additive (dominance) effects, green dot (square) indicates the QTS expresses additive (dominance) by environment interaction effect, blue dot (square) indicates the QTS expresses both additive (dominance) effect and additive (dominance) by environment effect, black dot (square) indicate the QTS doesn’t express additive (dominance) effect but interacts with other QTS, red line indicates there is only interaction (epistasis) between genetic components of two QTSs at the ends of the line, green line indicates there is only interaction between epistasis and environment for the ends of the line, blue line indicates there is both epistasis effect and interaction between epistasis and environment for the end of the line

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