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Fig. 2 | BMC Genomics

Fig. 2

From: Mixed evolutionary origins of endogenous biomass-depolymerizing enzymes in animals

Fig. 2

GH families, including those with cellulase function, identified from 21 metazoan genomes and 126 crustacean transcriptomes. a Heatmap depicts 42 GH families encoded by animal genomes presented as complete linkage clustering of GH families (columns). The number of GH genes within each family are color-coded according to a log2 scale. Grey boxes denote absent members within a particular GH family. b Cellulase GHs from each animal are depicted as a bubble chart. Bubble sizes are proportional to gene abundance and GH families are color-coded. Species names are abbreviated by taking the first letter of genus name and first three letters of species name; Homo sapiens (Hsap). Full species names are available in Additional file 8: Table S1. c GH families identified from crustacean transcriptomes are illustrated as box-plots with jittered points representing the number of GH genes from each crustacean species. d Bubbles represent the proportion of cellulases identified across three crustacean classes. The bubble size is normalized to number of species analyzed to account for the differential sample size

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