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Fig. 5 | BMC Genomics

Fig. 5

From: Combining multiple functional annotation tools increases coverage of metabolic annotation

Fig. 5

Genome coverage and overlap in annotations varies across genomes. a Horizontal bars represent the fraction of the total number of EC numbers for each genome produced by only a single tool, or by two, three or all four tools. The 27 reference genomes were sorted with respect to the fraction of EC numbers that were predicted by 3 or more tools (blue bars). The top of the list is dominated by model organisms such as E. coli, B. subtilis, and closely related organisms. As we move farther away from such well-studied model organisms, the fraction of unique EC numbers predicted only by a single tool (red bars) increases, at the expense of those predicted by multiple tools. b The fraction of genes annotated as enzymes by each tool likewise decreases as we move farther away from model organisms such as E. coli. Note that two of the organisms with a drastically reduced genome content, Candidatus Portiera aleyrodidarum BT-QVLC and Candidatus Evansia muelleri, also have a relatively higher fraction of core metabolic enzymes

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