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Fig. 2 | BMC Genomics

Fig. 2

From: Reveal cell type-specific regulatory elements and their characterized histone code classes via a hidden Markov model

Fig. 2

Characteristics of specific states. a Emission probabilities of 30 states. Specific cell-mark combinations are marked by ‘*’. Non-specific states are named with prefix “Non”. b Distribution of CSREs in six categories of genomic regions for each specific state. c Box plot of the distances between the intergenic CSREs and their nearest TSSs, compared with those of randomly generated ones. For each intergenic CSRE, the random one is an arbitrarily selected genomic element from the same chromosome with the same length. Then, the distances between the random regions to their nearest TSS were computed. Statistical significance between ‘True’ and ‘Random’ is calculated by two-sample Wilcoxon test with P < 2.2e–16 for all specific states

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