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Table 1 A summary of simulation data and real data used in the analysis

From: NanoMod: a computational tool to detect DNA modifications using Nanopore long-read sequencing data


#base in ref a

#reads b

#modification c

Modification types

100 ‘MeanDif’ simulation datasets


200 in each dataset

a group of 60 modifications

Only signal mean of modified bases was affected without neighborhood effect.

100 ‘STDDif’ simulation datasets


200 in each dataset

a group of 60 modifications

Only signal standard deviation of modified bases was affected without neighborhood effect.

100 ‘Mean_STDDif’ simulation datasets


200 in each dataset

a group of 60 modifications

Both signal mean and standard deviation of modified bases were affected without neighborhood effect.

100 ‘Mean_STDDif_NE’ simulation datasets


200 in each dataset

a group of 60 modifications

Both signal mean and standard deviation of modified bases were affected with neighborhood effect.

E. coli [3]

~ 4.64 Mb



Methylation at all CpG sites

  1. aThe number of bases in the reference sequence
  2. bThe number of reads in a dataset. For simulation data, half of reads have modifications and the other half do not have modifications. For E. Coli, 111,213 reads have methylations and 69,879 do not have methylations
  3. cThe number of modifications in each dataset