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Fig. 4 | BMC Genomics

Fig. 4

From: Ubiquitin fusion proteins in algae: implications for cell biology and the spread of photosynthesis

Fig. 4

Phylogeny of NiSOD proteins. Ubiquitin-NiSOD fusions are indicated by a square next to a given taxon. OTUs are colored according to the eukaryotic super-group to which they belong with Rhizaria in light blue, Alveolata in blue, Stramenopiles in dark blue, Haptophyta in purple, Cryptista in light pink, Viridiplantae in green, Rhodophyta in Red, Amoebozoa in gold, Fungi in brown, Euglenozoa in pink, and Bacteria in grey. The maximum-likelihood tree shown was inferred using 704 OTUs and 112 sites under the model LG + R4 (as selected using a MFP model test according to BIC) and is rooted between NiSOD-fusion and non-fusion protein coding genes. Only bootstrap support values ≥80% are shown (based on 5000 UFboot iterations). Filled circles along branches indicate maximum bootstrap support. The scale bar indicates 0.4 substitutions per site

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