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Fig. 6 | BMC Genomics

Fig. 6

From: A hybrid de novo genome assembly of the honeybee, Apis mellifera, with chromosome-length scaffolds

Fig. 6

Model and properties of distal telomeres. a A model of the subtelomeric and telomeric regions as inferred from alignment and sequence analysis of the distal ends of 14 chromosomes (two telomere sequences from chromosome 1). All statistics are computed across 100-bp windows using the distal telomere on chromosome 8 as backbone. A 3-kbp subtelomeric region is indicated with a white box, together with conserved and GC-rich sub-regions within it. A shared repeat element is indicated at the subtelomere-telomere junction. A > 10-kbp telomeric region is indicated in the last box and the proportions of the canonical TTAGG repeat and variants are indicated for every 100-bp window. b Number of subtelomere/telomere sequences extending across the alignment; c The average density of TTAGGs and variants along the region. 95% confidence intervals for each window was computed from 2000 bootstrap replicates. d The average pairwise sequence divergence between chromosomes. Confidence intervals computed as in C. e Average GC-content along the region. Confidence intervals computed as in C

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