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Fig. 2 | BMC Genomics

Fig. 2

From: Transcriptomic responses to diet quality and viral infection in Apis mellifera

Fig. 2

IAPV titers for the four treatment groups, two virus groups, and two diet groups. Left to right: IAPV titers for the four treatment groups, two virus groups, and two diet groups. “N” represents non-inoculation, “V” represents viral inoculation, “C” represents chestnut pollen, and “R” represents rockrose pollen. The IAPV titer data included 38 samples with 10 replicates per treatment group, except for the “NR” group having 8 replicates. ANOVA values and p-values for the statistical tests are listed in the text of the paper. The letters above the bars represent significant differences with a confidence level of 95%

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