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Table 1 Mean trait value of three pea test environments

From: Pea genomic selection for Italian environments


Lodi 2013–14

Lodi 2014–15

Perugia 2013–14

Grain yield (t/ha)

6.307 a

4.586 b

2.905 c

Onset of flowering (dd from Apr. 1)

12.42 b

15.36 a

12.44 b

Lodging susceptibility (score 1 = min, 5 = max)

2.50 b

3.67 a

2.18 b

Individual seed weight (g)

0.213 a

0.187 b

0.190 b

Winter plant survival (proportion)

0.991 a

0.726 b

0.995 a

  1. Row means with different letter differ at P < 0.05