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Table 2 Sample mixing scheme for transcriptome sequencing

From: Transcriptome analysis reveals differences in the mechanisms of fiber initiation and elongation between long- and short-fiber cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) lines

  1. Grouping: Short fiber group, i.e., 69–6025-12 + Liao 1779; long fiber group, i.e., 601 LSC + J02–508. Fiber developmental stage: The numbers in the table indicate the days post-anthesis (DPA). In parentheses, 0 means lint fiber initiation stage, i.e., − 3 DPA to 0 DPA; 5 means fuzz fiber initiation stage, i.e., 3 DPA to 5 DPA. F10 and O10, 10 means 10 DPA, F means fiber, O means ovule. Numbers in the same color indicate that their corresponding materials and tissues were mixed equally according to RNA mass