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Fig. 3 | BMC Genomics

Fig. 3

From: Comparative transcriptomics of early petal development across four diverse species of Aquilegia reveal few genes consistently associated with nectar spur development

Fig. 3

Venn diagram and PCA of genes DE in each species between DS1 and DS5. a Venn diagram of genes up- and down-regulated (left and right, respectively) in each species between DS1 and DS5. b PCA using developmentally DE genes. PCA of the genes differentially expressed in any species between DS1 and DS5 for each sample (all species and developmental stages). PC1 can be explained by developmental stage (33.3% variance explained). PC2 can be explained by phylogenetic relatedness (12.6% variance explained). PC3 captures differences between A. ecalcarata and A. sibirica (11.6% variance explained) and PC4 captures differences between A. formosa and A. chrysantha (7.8% variance explained). Key: A. ecalcarata = lavender, A. sibirica = blue, A. formosa = red, and A. chrysantha = yellow, DS1 = circle, DS2 = square, DS3 = diamond, DS4 = traingle, DS5 = inverted triangle

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