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Fig. 2 | BMC Genomics

Fig. 2

From: Investigation of muscle transcriptomes using gradient boosting machine learning identifies molecular predictors of feed efficiency in growing pigs

Fig. 2

Plot of the first two principal components unraveling whole variability in the merged molecular dataset. Pigs are represented on the scatter plot created with the first two principal components (PC) of a Principal Component analysis (PCA) which aggregated the whole transcriptomic data (20,405 annotated expressed probes) in the longissimus muscle of different studies. The first PC of the PCA (PC1) represented 46.8% of the whole transcriptomic variability and discriminated pigs from the low or high RFI selection lines. This allows considering PC1 of the PCA as a relevant summary of the main molecular probes involved across the pigs in divergence for RFI. Black dot blot: pigs of the low RFI line; red dot blot: pigs of the high RFI line black dot blot: pigs of the low RFI line; red dot blot: pigs of the high RFI line

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