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Fig. 2 | BMC Genomics

Fig. 2

From: Assessing the performance of different approaches for functional and taxonomic annotation of metagenomes

Fig. 2

Taxonomic assignments for the mock metagenomes. Left panels show the results for all the reads, right panels show the results removing unclassified reads and scaling to 100%. Real: Real composition of the mock community. Ac, Assembly and mapping reads to contigs. Ag, Same but mapping reads to genes. Am, same but mapping genes first to contigs, then to genes. RR, raw reads assignment. KR: Kraken2. MP: Metaphlan2. Numbers above the bars in the right panels correspond to the Bray-Curtis distance to the composition of the original microbiome, and the number of taxa (phyla) recovered by each method, with the real number of taxa present in the mock metagenome indicated in the “Real” column

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