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Table 1 RBP-centric features employed to uncover the predictor variables likely to explain the variations in the extent of conservation of binding sites for RBPs

From: Human protein-RNA interaction network is highly stable across mammals


Name of Feature



Median extent of conservation of binding sites of RBPs across species.

For each RBP, the median extent of conservation of binding sites was calculated by computing the median of percentage of species each binding site was conserved in.


Tissue Specificity Index (Ï„)

TSI for each RBP was found using the TSI formula as described in a previous study [59] using protein level expression data of RBPs from Human Proteome Map [60].


Number of binding sites

For each RBP, the total number of binding sites from the BED file that mapped to a block in the MAF file was considered.


Length of transcript

The length of transcript for each RBP was obtained from Ensembl Biomart [61]. Average of lengths were considered if multiple transcripts were present for an RBP.


Number of protein-protein interactions

For each RBP, the number of interacting partners was calculated with data obtained from BioGRID [62].


Median protein level expression of RBPs across tissues

Protein level expression across 17 adult tissues was calculated for each RBP from protein level expression matrix available on Human Proteome Map [60].


Median transcript level expression of RBPs across tissues

Transcript level expression of RBPs across 16 tissues was calculated using Human BodyMap 2.0 data from Ensembl [39].


Number of RNA-binding domains

Number of RNA binding domains for each RBP was obtained from a previous study on human RBPs [14].


Number of Paralogs

The number of paralogs for each RBP was obtained from Ensembl [39].


Number of sub-cellular compartments

For each RBP, the number of sub-cellular compartments that it is present in was found from UniProt [63].


Conservation of RBPs

The number of species that each RBP was conserved in was obtained from a previous study [14].


Number of RBP-RBP interactions

For each RBP, the number of interacting RBPs was computed using data from BioGRID [62].