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Fig. 6 | BMC Genomics

Fig. 6

From: Transcriptional landscape of the embryonic chicken Müllerian duct

Fig. 6

Whole mount in situ hybridization and sectioned whole mounts for candidate duct genes, in E6 (stage 29) urogenital systems (UGS). a COLA2, widely expressed in the UGS and in duct mesenchyme (MDM). b POSTN, localised in the mesenchyme. c, TGFBI, strongly expressed in the Müllerian duct epithelium (MDE). d SMARCA2, strongly expressed in the duct mesenchyme (MDM). e FOXE1, expressed in the duct mesenchyme (MDM). f OSR1, expressed in duct mesenchyme (MDM). g PRICKLE, expressed in the duct epithelium (MDE). h. RUNX1, strongly expressed in the duct epithelium (MDE) and also in the mesenchyme (MDM)

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