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Fig. 4 | BMC Genomics

Fig. 4

From: Biased visibility in Hi-C datasets marks dynamically regulated condensed and decondensed chromatin states genome-wide

Fig. 4

Developmental dynamics of chromatin condensation and decondensation. a Aggregation plots of histone modifications +/− 1 Mb around the boundary of decondensed and condensed domains in mESC and NPC. P-values were calculated using two-tailed Mann-Whitney U tests by comparing mean enrichment values in the bins of condensed and decondensed domains. b Enrichment of CTCF, RAD21, YY1, TOP2b binding, MIR and simple repeats +/− 1 Mb around domain boundaries (red) and around domain centres (grey). c Boxplots representing change in gene expression in the chromatin domains that were constitutively present in mESC and NPC, the ones that switched to condensed state in NPC from decondensed state in mESC and vice-versa. P-values were calculated using two-tailed Mann-Whitney U tests of RPKM values in mESC and NPC. d Scatter plots of histone modifications in domains that remained unchanged in mESC and NPC, and the ones that switched from decondensed to condensed or vice-versa in mESC and NPC. e Examples of decondensed and condensed domains that remained consistent in mESC and NPC (left), and a decondensed region in mESC that switched to condensed state in NPC (right).

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