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Fig. 4 | BMC Genomics

Fig. 4

From: Using multiple reference genomes to identify and resolve annotation inconsistencies

Fig. 4

Features of one-to-one genes as well as split-gene candidates. a Split-gene candidates are classified based on whether they were initially annotated as split or merged for a given genotype followed by the classification based on the M2f method. E.g. The ‘SS’ box for the B73 genotype are instances where multiple genes in B73 corresponded to a single gene in either PH207 or W22, and the multiple (split) genes of B73 were determined to be the correct annotation. Outliers were removed on all plots. b Length and Distance between genes. c AED calculated from MAKER-P for the B73 and PH207 annotations. For B73, multiple isoforms were annotated, and we took the max AED across all isoforms for a given gene model. d Number of IsoSeq cDNAs for genes in each category. Genes with no IsoSeq support were excluded and shown separately as a proportion on the right. IsoSeq cDNAs were filtered for mapping quality (MQ) > 20 and for coverage of at least 75% of the longest transcript sequence

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