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Fig. 3 | BMC Genomics

Fig. 3

From: Whole-genome genotyping and resequencing reveal the association of a deletion in the complex interferon alpha gene cluster with hypothyroidism in dogs

Fig. 3

The upper panel shows the alignments of a single HC individual case (NoDel/NoDel) and the HC control (Del/Del) to CanFam3.1, including the corresponding RefSeq annotation (RefSeq), genomic gaps (Gaps) and a measure of evolutionary conservation in dog, human, mouse and rat, based on a phylogenetic hidden Markov model (phastCons) (Cons) [31]. The red dashed lines indicate the predicted deletion, with its potential start in a gap (CFA11: 40,853,967 - 40,855,084) and its end in the IFNA7 gene (CFA11: 40,862,587 - 40,863,150), based on CanFam3.1 annotation. The prediction of the deletion location is based on the alignments of the same HC individuals (NoDel/NoDel and Del/Del) to the wolf genome, as shown in the bottom panel. The deletion is located in correspondence of a region in the scaffold_885, and more specifically between two regions with increased coverage, which are likely to be IFNA genes sequences

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