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Fig. 2 | BMC Genomics

Fig. 2

From: GCA: an R package for genetic connectedness analysis using pedigree and genomic data

Fig. 2

A flow diagram of three prediction error variance of the difference (PEVD) statistics. The group average PEVD (PEVD_GrpAve) is shown in A. A1: Prediction error variance (PEV) matrix including variances and covariances of seven individuals. A2: Calculate the mean of prediction error variance / covariance within the unit (PEV_mean) and mean of prediction error covariance across the unit (PEC_mean). A3: Group average PEVD is calculated by applying the PEVD equation using PEV_mean and PEC_mean. The individual average PEVD (PEVD_IdAve) is shown in B. B1: Prediction error variance (PEV) matrix including variances and covariances of seven individuals. Subscripts i and j refer to the ith and jth individuals in units 1 and 2, respectively. B2: Pairwise PEVD between individuals across two units. B3: Individual average PEVD is calculated by taking the average of all pairwise PEVD. The PEVD of contrast (PEVD_Contrast) is shown in C. PEVD_Contrast is calculated as the product of the transpose of the contrast vector (x), the PEV matrix, and the contrast vector

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