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Fig. 3 | BMC Genomics

Fig. 3

From: Predicting tumor response to drugs based on gene-expression biomarkers of sensitivity learned from cancer cell lines

Fig. 3

Predicted sensitivity of tumor-types and normal tissue to trametinib. a, Violin plots of predicted ln (IC50) values of trametinib based on RNA-seq gene expression data from TCGA tumor samples from 33 tumor types. Overall COAD, READ, SKCM and UVM tumors (yellow) had the lowest predicted median IC50 values. For the description of the 33 TCGA tumor types, see supplementary data (additional file 1: Table S7A). The solid line shows the median of the medians of the predicted IC50 values for all 33 tumor types whereas the dashed line is one logarithmic unit below the solid line. b, Violin plots of the predicted ln (IC50) values of trametinib for COAD tumor (red) and normal (blue) samples from TCGA and for GTEx normal tissue samples from 15 major organs (green); here the solid line shows the median of the medians of the predicted IC50 values for all 16 normal tissues. In each violin, the red dot is located at the median; the vertical red bar extends from 25th to 75th percentiles

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