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Fig. 3 | BMC Genomics

Fig. 3

From: Comparative analyses of the Hymenoscyphus fraxineus and Hymenoscyphus albidus genomes reveals potentially adaptive differences in secondary metabolite and transposable element repertoires

Fig. 3

Biosynthetic gene cluster (BGC) comparison of H. fraxineus and H. albidus BGCs associated with the production of viridiol and hymenosetin. The clusters were identified using TBLASTX visualized by clinker: (a) Gene map of the known demethoxyviridin (vid) BGC from Nodulisporium sp. (Nsp) and the identified homologous viridiol (vir) BGC from H. fraxineus nf4 (Hf) and H. albidus 111/1/4 (Ha). The structures of the respective pathway products are shown; (b) Gene map of the known equisetin (eqx) BGC from Fusarium heterosporum (Fh) and the respective homologous hym BGC from H. fraxineus nf4 (Hf) putatively responsible for hymenosetin production. In H. albidus, most likely a deletion event of a 10 kb fragment of genomic DNA took place within the hym cluster and lead to the absence of essential members of the hym cluster. The structures of the respective pathway products are shown below

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