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Fig. 2 | BMC Genomics

Fig. 2

From: Multi-omics data integration reveals novel drug targets in hepatocellular carcinoma

Fig. 2

A. Shown are Venn diagrams for each of the 4 mice demonstrating the common somatic mutations (point mutations and small insertions/deletions) between the tumor samples of the same mouse. We observe no common mutations between the tumor samples, implying that these are more likely passenger mutations. B. Graph showing the number of common mutated genes, differentially expressed mRNAs, C., miRNAs, D. proteins, E., and phosphoproteins, F., across the tumor samples as a cumulative histogram. In each of the subfigures, the number of genes or proteins being dysregulated in at least k samples is shown (y-axis), where k ranges from 1 to 12 (x-axis)

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