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Fig. 1 | BMC Genomics

Fig. 1

From: Culture and genome-based analysis of four soil Clostridium isolates reveal their potential for antimicrobial production

Fig. 1

Effect of conditioned media derived from four soil Clostridium isolates on the growth of B. mycoides ATCC6462 (a), B. cereus NZRM5 (b) and P. aeruginosa ATCC25668 (c). Bacteria were grown in the presence of butterfield’s diluent (untreated control; red), FS01CM (FS01 conditioned media; blue), FS2.2CM (FS2.2 conditioned media; orange), FS03CM (FS03 conditioned media; green), FS04CM (FS04 conditioned media; black) and Nisin (purple) in the growth media (CMGS). Nisin (45 µM) and butterfield’s diluent served as positive and untreated control respectively. Error bars represent standard deviation (n = 3). The growth of P. aeruginosa was significantly reduced by all four CMs, while only FS03CM significantly inhibited the growth of B. cereus and there was a significant growth reduction of B. mycoides by FS01CM, FS2.2CM and FS03CM (P < 0.05 vs. untreated control)

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