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Fig. 3 | BMC Genomics

Fig. 3

From: Unraveling the role of male reproductive tract and haemolymph in cantharidin-exuding Lydus trimaculatus and Mylabris variabilis (Coleoptera: Meloidae): a comparative transcriptomics approach

Fig. 3

Pathway and expression levels (Heat-Map and RT-qPCR) of genes putatively involved in CA biosynthesis in LT and MV. A) The diagram shows a recap of the pathways involved in the synthesis and degradation of JH, highlighting the enzymes whose transcripts were here selected and examined. Green ellipses represent the enzymes of the upstream mevalonate and terpenoid backbone pathways, the red ones indicate the enzymes specific for the downstream JH pathway. B) Colours in the Heat-Map were assigned according to percentiles, with yellow referring to the lowest FPKM values (below 30th percentile) and dark blue to the FPKM highest values (above 95th percentile). Identity percentages of tBLASTn using Epicauta protein sequences (as in GenBank Acc. N.) as a query are reported in the last column. B =  body, MRT =  male reproductive tract, H =  haemolymph. C) The graphs show RT-qPCR results expressed as fold change (2-ΔΔCt) for three enzymes of the JH pathway, i.e. JHAMT, JHEH and MFE in LT and MV, respectively

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