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Fig. 1 | BMC Genomics

Fig. 1

From: Gene expression profiling of trout muscle during flesh quality recovery following spawning

Fig. 1

Heat map of the supervised hierarchical clustering of differentially expressed genes in trout muscle during the post-spawning period. The clustering of differentially expressed genes led to the formation of four distinct clusters (I, II, II and IV). Each row represents the temporal expression pattern of a single gene and each column corresponds to a single sample. Columns 1 to 8: PS0 = trout muscle at spawning. Columns 9 to 16: PS2 = trout muscle 2 weeks after spawning. Columns 17 to 24: PS4 = trout muscle 4 weeks after spawning. Columns 25 to 32: PS8 = trout muscle 8 weeks after spawning. Columns 33 to 40: PS13 = trout muscle 13 weeks after spawning. Columns 41 to 48: PS16 = trout muscle 16 weeks after spawning. Columns 49 to 56: PS24 = trout muscle 24 weeks after spawning. Columns 57 to 64: PS33 = trout muscle 33 weeks after spawning. Expression levels are represented by a colour tag, with red representing the highest levels and green the lowest levels of expression

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