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Fig. 10 | BMC Genomics

Fig. 10

From: The expanded inhibitor of apoptosis gene family in oysters possesses novel domain architectures and may play diverse roles in apoptosis following immune challenge

Fig. 10

Apoptosis and IAP gene expression in response to immune challenge were directly correlated in oysters. Weighted Gene Correlation Network Analysis (WGCNA) was utilized to determine whether particular IAP domain architectures were associated with particular apoptosis pathways and molecules. A Table presenting the number of IAP genes, unique apoptosis transcripts, and domain structures directly correlated in each WGCNA experiment, with darker shading representing higher numbers. The expression of multiple transcripts from a variety of domain architecture types was directly correlated with expression of apoptosis-related transcripts, suggesting the expression of groups of IAPs with potentially different potential functions may be important for apoptosis pathway regulation during immune challenges. B Pathway depiction of apoptosis-related transcripts directly correlated with BIRC2/3-like, BIRC5-like, BIRC9, BIRC11 IAPs, as seen in the CGOSHV1-B resistant WGCNA significant modules. C Pathway depiction of transcripts in the extrinsic apoptosis pathway whose expression directly correlated with expression of a BIRC2/3-like C. gigas (Ostreida) transcript, as seen in the CGOSHV1-B and CGOSHV1-A Resistant experiment WGCNA modules. Purple transcripts were directly correlated in both viral experiments, while those in orange were only directly correlated with this BIRC2/3-like transcript in the CGOSHV1-A Resistant experiment. BIRCs are outlined in black. Molecules outlined in gray were not identified in modules but are important pathway members in selected, well-studied model organisms (D. melanogaster, H. sapiens, C. elegans)

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