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Fig. 1 | BMC Genomics

Fig. 1

From: Genome-wide run of homozygosity analysis reveals candidate genomic regions associated with environmental adaptations of Tibetan native chickens

Fig. 1

Descriptive graphics of run of homozygosity (ROH) in 5 Tibetan native chicken populations. a The average number of ROHs per chromosome (bars) and the average percentage of each chromosome covered by ROHs (lines) for all chickens. b The distribution and density of ROHs in the whole genome for all chickens. The different color represents different number of ROHs within 18 Mb window size. c The percentage of total ROH within each ROH length category, including short (< 1 Mb), medium (1–3 Mb), and long (> 3 Mb) per chicken population. d Total number of ROHs and total length of genome (Mb) covered by ROH segments per birds for each chicken population

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