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Fig. 5 | BMC Genomics

Fig. 5

From: Complete pan-plastome sequences enable high resolution phylogenetic classification of sugar beet and closely related crop wild relatives

Fig. 5

Plastome phylogeny for Betoideae. The tree can be divided into three groups: B. section Corollinae (8 accessions), B. section Beta (6 accessions), and Patellifolia (4 accessions). The plastome sequences of three Caryophyllales species (amaranth, quinoa, and spinach) were used as outgroup. Bootstrap support values are shown above each branch. The resulting phylogeny is based on the variation in 83 genes and 76 intergenic regions from the plastid genomes of 18 accessions and species (plus outgroup). Different background colors represent the sampling location and the origin of the breeding line (Bvul), respectively. Inset: Actual branch lengths based on the ML analysis

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